Energy has been liberated

The sky's the limit! Power your world with the highest quality solar energy systems and technologies on today’s market.

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Man standing in a holding up a solar panel while listening to music
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Save on average 70% on your bills with ZEN Energy

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trees' carbon work

We’ve paved the way in reducing 2,255 tonnes of CO2 — that's the work of 107,358 trees'!

smart savings

Our customers have harnessed $5,123,883 in power bill savings. That's eco-affluence!

light bulbs powered

We are currently powering the equivalent of 378,097 light bulbs with clean, solar energy. That's electric!

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Solar energy with expert-led innovation

ZEN Systems are the smartest on the market

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Ignite the power of 50+ years of combined solar and electrical mastery, championed by our team of engineers with world-class credentials in science and electrical engineering.

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Accelerate Your
Solar Journey

Experience swift delivery and a lightning speed response as we endeavour to deliver design specifications and proposals within 24 hours, and a one month installation target. Make the power shift to solar with confidence.

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Innovation & Unrivalled
Solar Technology

Our world-leading solar tech partnerships result in delivering the highest calibre design, reliability, and performance. Our premium components surpass the highest international testing standards. Invest in your solar solution with confidence.

A woman sits cross-legged on the ground with a laptop, next to a large solar panel, against a solid blue background.ZEN Energy design asset
ZEN Energy design asset

Responsible solar energy solutions

Go sky high with ZEN

As a multi-generational family business, we're firm in our integrity and proud of the quality of our solar energy system. We beleive solar is a ticket to energy independence and savings while empowering a positive transformation for future generations.

  • Harness the sun’s power
  • Look after our environment
  • Free yourself from the grid
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Let's go sky high
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Solar power systems to suit your needs

The right kind of power for you. Absolutely.


Off-Grid Solar Systems

Solar Power Without an Electricity Connection

Perfect for total self-sufficiency, our Off-Grid solar power systems come with everything you need to cut ties with the main power grid. You’ll live solely on power generated by your solar power system.

Off-Grid solar systems use highly efficient inverters and smart batteries to keep the power flowing without the need for a mains connection.

Learn About Off-Grid Solar
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Solar Power 24/7 With a Battery

Want to be as close to off-grid as possible, but with a reliable backup to power you through grid outages? Our Hybrid battery solar systems give you the best of both worlds, with solar, batteries and backup power for blackouts.

Excess power that’s generated is stored in the battery, perfect for night time, when you’re using more power than usual or those niggly grid outages.

Learn About Hybrid Solar
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Grid-Tied Solar Systems

Solar Power to Your Home During the Day

Not quite ready to let go of the grid? We get it. Our Grid-Tied solar power systems power your home or business while staying connected to the main power grid. If your solar generation isn’t enough, the grid kicks in seamlessly – meaning you’ll never be without power (unless there is a power cut!). Vice versa, if your solar power system generates more electricity than you need, the excess goes back to the grid and you’ll receive a credit on your next power bill.

Learn About Grid-Tied Solar
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A solar energy system consists of several key components. We use the latest technology and top-quality products to ensure your system delivery on performance and longevity. Below is a breakdown on the essentials elements of a solar energy system.

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Solar Panels

The heart of the system, capturing sunlight and converting it into electricity. We offer a range of high-efficiency panels to suit your specific requirements and budget.

Learn About Solar Panels
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A black solar panel on a black background.
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The brains of the operation, converting the DC electricity generated by the panels into AC electricity for your home or business. We provide state-of-the-art inverters to ensure maximum efficiency and reliability.

Learn About Inverters
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A white wall mounted solar inverter with a black background.
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Battery Storage

Maximise your solar energy system by adding a battery storage solution. Store excess energy generated during the day for use at night or during periods of low sunlight, further reducing your reliance on the grid and increasing your savings.

Learn About Batteries
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A Redback Solar Energy System with a Battery and Inverter with a white background.
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Stay in control of your solar energy system with our advanced monitoring and control solutions. Keep track of your system's performance, energy production, and consumption, ensuring you're always making the most of your solar investment.

Learn more
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A smart phone displaying a solar energy system management app.

At ZEN Energy, we're passionate about empowering you to take control of your energy future with solar technology. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing you with the best solar energy system, tailored to your needs, and backed by our commitment to excellence. So, are you ready to join the solar revolution and make a lasting impact on the planet? Let's get started on your solar journey today!

Starting your solar journey with ZEN

We’re helping Kiwis power their lives, their way.

Man smiling, resting his arms on top of a large solar panel against a blue background.

Our process is simple. We’ll start with a few questions about your home and what you really want to achieve, then develop the solar solution that suits you best.

Our process is simple:

1. Get in touch & we’ll chat about your solar needs

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2. We’ll develop the perfect system for you

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3. Together, we’ll review the design & proposal

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4. All systems are go! We’ll install your solar system

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5. In it for the long haul. You’ll get ongoing support.

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ZEN Energy design asset

Your partner for a solar-powered future

A sustainable future starts with solar

Solar energy is a clean, renewable power source. It's a game-changer for our planet, reducing our reliance on fossil fuels and combating climate change. With solar energy, while saving money on your electricity bills, you also contribute to a brighter future for everyone.


Efficient and energy saving


Environmentally friendly


Quality, long-lasting systems

A little girl sitting on blue steps, holding her hand in-front of her mouth  as she giggles.
A woman holding up a solar panel with clouds on it.

The pathway to solar savings & sustainability

How much could I save with solar?

On average, ZEN customers are saving approximately 70% on their electricity bills across the year. Welcome to the world of solar energy!


Protect yourself from rising electricity bills


Charge your EV for free


Sell your surplus electricity back to the grid


Do your part against climate change


Add value to your home with solar

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Take your
power back

Talk to us and we’ll develop a free personalised quote in no time.

No strings attached.

Average Monthly Power Bill (slide to select)
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Our smiling community


Shiny happy customers

See how our solar energy systems are transforming lives across New Zealand

Our solar technology partners

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Solar panels are installed on your roof and produce electricity in DC current. This electricity is converted to AC current through your solar inverter and then delivered via your house’s switchboard, to your appliances, such as your television, hot water cylinder, fridge and heat pump. Any excess electricity generated will be sent back to the grid, for which you will get a credit on your electricity bill if your electricity retailer has a buyback offer.

The length of installation depends on the size of the solar power system, whether it includes batteries and the roof condition, but will typically take anywhere between 1 day for a grid-tied installation and 2 days for a more advanced battery based system.

They are effective during the winter months; however you will notice a considerable drop on the overall solar generated compared to the summer months. This is normal due to the height of the sun in the sky and there being less sunlight hours over the winter months.

If your roof is in good condition, and gets a lot of sun, it is probably a good candidate for solar. We do not recommend installing solar on old roofs. The panels are expected to last for over 25 years so it is not recommended to install them on a roof that may need replacing during the life of the system.

Solar power is the most abundant renewable energy resource on Earth. Solar power systems do not emit any CO2 and their costs have been consistently reducing. In contrast, fossil fuels are being depleted, with unpredictable prices that are typically trending upwards. Additionally, they are not renewable. Solar power is the clear answer for the future of energy as it localises energy generation at the point of consumption and passes the power to choose back to the individual home owner. Although many large entities are not yet committed to solar power, a household can proactively choose to benefit from having a solar power system on its roof.

Most power companies currently pay at 8c/kWh for electricity exported to the grid. You will need to contact your power company to confirm their buyback rate.

Whilst there are costs to you in purchasing and owning the solar system, solar power will help you to reduce your monthly electricity spend by offsetting the energy usage in your house. How much your monthly electricity bill will reduce by will depend on a number of factors, including the size of the system that you install, how much electricity your system generates, and how much electricity you use during the day.

The size of the system is often determined by the available roof space of the property and size of the system you require. As a guide, most panels are 992mm wide by 1640mm high in size. Approximately 8 m2 of roof space is required per 1 kW of solar panels.

Solar photovoltaic panels require little maintenance. Your panels can build up dust and other material over time. Solar panel cleaning is not that different from cleaning your windshield. This can be done with water and a soft brush.

Yes the solar panels will still produce power however the solar inverter requires you to be connected to the grid for the inverter to operate and provide power to your home. This is a safety mechanism to protect appliances at your property for the safety of network maintenance personnel.

Solar panels that face north get the maximum amount of sunlight during daylight hours to generate electricity. Placing panels on the east or west-facing roof will still produce a substantial amount of power. It is not recommended that you install panels with a southerly aspect.

Three phase properties may require a 3-phase solar system. With a three phase solar system there may be instances when you will import energy on one phase while exporting energy on another phase. This is because all three phases operate independently of one another. You may want to ask your installer to check the loading on each phase as part of the installation process.